NGO in Noklak, Nagaland – NGO’s List

Find the most comprehensive list of NGO in Noklak, situated in Nagaland. Noklak has a 59300 population and an area of 1152 km², There are more than one registered NGO’s in Noklak, Nagaland, India. All the NGOs here in this list are Registered in Nagaland. If you find any false information in this list, please report us with NGO details. Also, If you’re an NGO worker then you can list your NGO in Noklak list by filling out the form at

List of NGO in Noklak, Nagaland

Khiamniungan Baptist Churches Association

Registration No & City: No.H/Rs-1452, Tuensang
Address:Kbca Ti Noklak Town Dist- Tuensang Pin No- 798612, Nagaland